Projects - Launching a record label / musicians advocacy service

Hi everybody. I want to explain about the project you might have seen on my Facebook, LinkedIn, or this website.
There was a time in history where musicians were musicians. You pick any decade you like during the 20th century. You have Scott Joplin and his ragtime music, or in the 1920's, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith. I could talk, ladies and gentlemen, about the next 5 decades fluently. And give you chapter and verse on some great music. That is if you don't already know it yourself.

Now, what has that all got to do with this record label ? Well, I am glad you asked. I have met, in the last 2 years, at least 20 musicians from all over the world and they all have one thing in common; talent ! Sheer talent ! And where does it get them, here in 2015 ? A whole load of headaches. How do they record ? How do they tour ?
Who do they talk to ? Which venue ? Which agent ?

What usually happens is that a lot of talent goes to waste. And this project is about trying to plug a few of the holes with such wasted talent. I can think of 3 musicians off the top of my head who, if they were active in the 1960's, would no doubt today be household names. All of them were just unlucky.
Yes, OK, there might have been bad choices but everyone deserves a break, right ?

I want to give a few deserving musicians a break.

The word in Dutch for & lawyer is een advokaat. That is not what this is about. To some people's understanding the word advokaat means somebody walking with you during a time of crisis or trouble. Remember this folks, musicians work when you party. Musicians are working when you are on holidays. But in many countries, there is no way that a musician can get help when things go wrong. Sometimes it can just be the need of a pair of shoes, or a warm coat for the winter, or a set of strings. You do get the picture I hope. My plan is simply to help in whatever way I can ....